Hello folks.. well here it is December 1, the start of the so called silly season. That mad rush to Christmas with mothers preparing shopping lists for those great family reunions that so mark our Australian way of celebrating Christmas Day. Here at the shop we have had the busiest November of the past 5 years. I have even dragged Mark in here to wrap parcels and take them to the post office. A lot of new prostheses have gone out the door. And speaking of prostheses.. this past month we have seen here at least once a day, ladies who have been fitted with the wrong prosthesis to suit their needs. At the risk of offending other fitters out there, the girls and I just wonder
what were they thinking? Or to quote a training film I saw years ago... "Who sold you that then?" Just today I had a lady here who was fitted at a department store.. and despite having a broken shoulder, she was "sold" a heavy weight prosthesis. Her physiotherapist couldn't believe it. She should have been fitted with a light weight prosthesis. Unbelievable!
Ladies.. you do have choices in breast prostheses. And if you are told "This is all there is" (and we hear that a lot from these ladies) then vote with your feet and find another specialist fitter. Your prosthesis should fit you and your lifestyle, not the other way around. Here at the boutique we carry the widest choice in Queensland. (and don't forget we can do home visits if you're not well!)
Well.. I have that off my chest now! I am sorry to sound cross but to see ladies like this one suffering is just crazy.
Talk soon