This morning I was at the Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce Lord Mayors Breakfast. Every year the Lord Mayor attends and talks about his vision for Brisbane. I was surprised to learn how overseas markets see us as an up and coming city in Asia. One of the areas that Campbell touched on was red tape for small business. He said that if there is an area where you think the council could do things better; let him know. To me it seems a refreshing change.
He went on to say that Councillors from both sides of politics really have the city's interests at heart and work very hard to improve the quality of life for all citizens and also the Brisbane Experience for tourists. If you have friends or business partners who are going to visit, lead them to Brisbane Marketing's website where you can view a first class Promotional Video that showcases our home city.
Councillor David McLachlan is our local councillor in the area where we live and it was good to catch up with David again. Of course Mark was there with his camera and grabbed a shot of me with David and the Lord Mayor.
Talk soon.
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