Sunday, October 10, 2010

Spring is here.. and so is the new carpet!

What a day yesterday was. A really busy day at the Boutique ending one of the busiest weeks we have seen for some time. And then at 3:00 PM, the carpet men came. You see our water cooler decided to leak recently and destroyed the carpet in our shop. Our insurance company were very good to us, handled the claim quickly and efficiently (Good on you AON) and so yesterday the carpet men came.

They started at 3:00 PM after we closed the store and were still there at 9:00 PM! In the middle of this a lady rang us from the Wesley Hospital as her prosthesis had ruptured. So left the guys to it and did an emergency run in the trusty old Land Rover to supply her with another prosthesis. Of course yesterday was also the day we had been invited to a dinner party at our local Vet's home. Fortunately Christina volunteered to stay back with the carpet layers and then put all the racks etc back inside from the foot path. A great employee is our Christina and an even better daughter. Today she took a well earned break while Mark & I went in for a few hours and tidied the place up ready for what looks like a very busy week.

It's Think Pink month and so I have a lot of events to attend... find one near you, become involved, donate some money and help out the people who are trying so hard to end this terrible disease of breast cancer.

Talk soon.


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