Our local Federal member of Parliament, Teresa Gambaro invited me and a lot of other small business owners to a small business forum to be addressed by Tony Abbott and also his opposition small business shadow minister. Around 150 people gathered at Bronco's club tonight where we had the chance to ask questions of the opposition leader and some of his team. Small business is the driving force of Australia's economy and Governments of all persuasions ignore it at their peril. Therefore it was pleasing to hear tonight that the conservative side in politics is understanding of this and the very special challenges that small business faces. Nobody goes into small business to get rich... you do it because you want to be in charge of your own life and in my case I truly want to help our special ladies. Teresa Gambaro is a lovely lady and I reinforced to her the importance of maintaining the external prosthesis rebate program that currently is in place.
Our new newsletter should be in your letterbox in the next few days and you will find our specials on Amoena bras in there as well as some other new and interesting products.
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