Well, it has been a long time between posts.. but here is the latest from Debra at Spirit of Life Boutique. Over the weekend of 17/18th February, Debra and Mark hit the road. And with the support of the Cancer Council of Queensland, held a workshop and fitting session in the Central Queensland city of Rockhampton. ABC local radio interviewed Debra on the subject of what she does... and the response was fabulous with women who heard the interview coming to her workshop.
Getting the message out to rural women that there are fashion choices available to them in the post mastectomy world is Debra's mission. She would like to thank in particular Caroline Humphries who gave up her time on a Sunday to open the Cancer Council office for Debra to hold her workshop.
The women who attended were simply amazed at the variety of pretty lingerie and mastectomy swimwear that Debra had to show to them.
If you're a member of a breast cancer support group.. please let Debra know as you never know when she will coming to your area.
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