Monday, December 23, 2019

And so this is Christmas.....

Well another year is drawing to a close. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and also my birthday. They just keep rolling around every year with a bigger number on them.

2019 has been an amazing year at the Boutique for Helen and me. Sales are up substantially and we are ever so grateful and humbled by the support and custom that you, our customers show us. In a year ending in drought and bush fires we know a lot of people are doing it tough. We have donated to the farmer's drought appeal and would encourage others to do likewise.

Still we are visited by ladies from the bush for their prostheses and bras and they amaze me. They are made of tough stuff and just keep on keeping on when it comes to battling the elements. They really are inspirational to us and we salute them. Also this year we have had a very big increase in the number of ladies visiting us from New Zealand. We always have had our New Zealand cousins in the shop since back in 2002, but this year saw a large increase. We welcome you and love taking care of you.

So as we look down the barrel of 2020, it is time to be thankful for our lot in life and keep a look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. My late father in law always said to live life by the following motto: "Service before self, always!"

Helen and I want to take this opportunity to wish all a most happy Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We thank you all for your support, we thank the medical professionals who send ladies our way knowing they can reply on us to take care of them. And of course we thank the ladies themselves who give us their support.

The Boutique will be closed from noon on the 24th of December and reopen on Tuesday the 2nd January at 9:00 AM.

Merry Christmas

Debra T