Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 30.. another financial year done and dusted.

Here I am at the boutique for a full-on Saturday, doing all of our end of financial year paper work.

(The job isn't finished until the paper work is done as my dad the carpenter used to say)

And I cannot let this June 30 pass without saying the following...

This 18/19 financial year has seen incredible growth here at Spirit Of Life Boutique. Our sales have increased amazingly and we are so pleased with the support we get from our customers.

So to all of our special ladies whom we serve; and refer your friends and family to us, to the Breast Care Nurses and Doctors who also  refer our ladies to us, Helen and I offer our sincere thanks. We are passionate about what we do here and we are so humbled by your ongoing support and custom.

To those of you who take the time to write to us thanking us for our help or post your positive reviews on Google, (ranking 4.9 out of 5) again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (Keep those cards rolling in!)

And a special mention to our suppliers who often bend over backwards to get stock to us from Europe in a hurry when we run short, our web masters, our printers and advertising agency.

Thank you one and all.

And rest assured, Helen and I will be here bright eyed and bushy tailed on Monday July 1 to give our best to you in the next financial year.

Warmest regards


Thursday, June 20, 2019

SOL is going to Rock Rockhampton again!

Have you had breast surgery?  

Welcome to the Spirit of Life Boutique.

There is life and lingerie after breast surgery.

Regain and retain that feeling of who you really are!
Appearance can make all the difference in how people see you and how you feel about yourself – and it’s always nice to have so much choice that you can pick things that are exactly right for you.

Who we are
We are a lingerie shop that specialises in mastectomy lingerie, swimwear, breast prostheses and bras – and we have one of the largest selection in Australia. That’s possible for us because caring for women after breast surgery is all we do at Spirit of Life. And we have customers all over the world! Come and find out why!

We had such brilliant responses to our last visits to Rockhampton that we are coming back again for a prosthesis and lingerie fitting day! 

Where: Cancer Council Qld, 43 Up    per Dawson Rd, Allenstown QLD 4700

When: Between 9:00 AM & 3:00 PM Saturday 3rd, August 2019.

See: The latest mastectomy fashion bras, swimsuits and of course prostheses.

Queensland’s most experienced prosthesis fitter will Debra, will be up from Brisbane to be onsite to personally take care of you and give you that specialised service that she is known and loved for. But fitting numbers are genuinely limited, so you need to call her right now on (07) 3511 4222 to book your appointment. When you call, Debra will talk with you about choices and sizing etc and bring garments for you to try on the day. No obligation and no money up front. And you don’t need cash as Debra will have credit card facilities on the day! How good is that?

Don’t miss out! Bookings close July 29! Call Debra now (07) 3511 4222
Why not visit the Boutique on the internet in the meantime?