Monday, December 23, 2019

And so this is Christmas.....

Well another year is drawing to a close. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and also my birthday. They just keep rolling around every year with a bigger number on them.

2019 has been an amazing year at the Boutique for Helen and me. Sales are up substantially and we are ever so grateful and humbled by the support and custom that you, our customers show us. In a year ending in drought and bush fires we know a lot of people are doing it tough. We have donated to the farmer's drought appeal and would encourage others to do likewise.

Still we are visited by ladies from the bush for their prostheses and bras and they amaze me. They are made of tough stuff and just keep on keeping on when it comes to battling the elements. They really are inspirational to us and we salute them. Also this year we have had a very big increase in the number of ladies visiting us from New Zealand. We always have had our New Zealand cousins in the shop since back in 2002, but this year saw a large increase. We welcome you and love taking care of you.

So as we look down the barrel of 2020, it is time to be thankful for our lot in life and keep a look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. My late father in law always said to live life by the following motto: "Service before self, always!"

Helen and I want to take this opportunity to wish all a most happy Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We thank you all for your support, we thank the medical professionals who send ladies our way knowing they can reply on us to take care of them. And of course we thank the ladies themselves who give us their support.

The Boutique will be closed from noon on the 24th of December and reopen on Tuesday the 2nd January at 9:00 AM.

Merry Christmas

Debra T

Saturday, November 30, 2019

And next comes Christmas....

Well what a month October has been for us at the Boutique. History is important in business, you look at sales for October last year and make stock solutions and choices based around that. Well this year we were tracking along and then in the last two weeks we were much busier than I expected.

To this end we had to do a top up order of 60+ breast forms to carry us through again.... and to be sure 99% of our ladies leave with their new forms when they come in.

Helen and I have had an awesome month at the shop, we love coming to work, we have fun working together and we love looking after our special ladies. Helen and I worked together in my Simone Perele days many years ago.. she is a very talented lingerie fitter and her skills have found her a natural home here at Spirit of Life. We work very well together. Being a cosetier takes a lot of skill and training. When I started out many, many  years ago every fitting I did was checked by a superior to ensure it was right for quite some time. I learned fast and I guess that is why our reputation as skilled fitters is now known far and wide. So many women either don't get a professional fitting or else get a poor professional fitting. Either way they end up in an uncomfortable bra. Sadly we see this every day at work. But they always leave with a smile on their face.

You know, it is true... There is life and lingerie after breast surgery. And the looks of delight on the faces of our customers after we have fitted them, shows us they feel great about themselves again.

And that is what Spirit of Life is all about... helping you to look and feel your old self again.

Helen and I thank you for your continuing support of Spirit of Life and always look forward to seeing you in the Boutique. We shall both be having a short break between XMAS and the New Year but will be back refreshed to take care of you in 2020.

2020! Cannot believe that. This year marks 15 years since I purchased the store from its owners. I was managing Spirit of Life before that for a couple of years. The time has gone so fast. I have been meaning to drop in and chat with Julie Gallagher in her studio again.. probably won't happen until January. I shall let you know.

Once again, thank you for your patronage.. looking forward to seeing you soon in the Boutique.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This bra is very popular....

Morning all.. early Tuesday morning here and I am just thunking about yesterday in the boutique. Over the weekend we added a new range of mastectomy bras from Amoena and then yesterday... the sales of these just went crazy. Ladies who had been visiting our website over the weekend just arrived almost in mass and walked out with a set after seeing them on line.

I think it would be the best response we have had to a new bra from Amoena...

What do you think about them?

Looking forward to seeing you in the Boutique soon.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Good Morning New Zealand

Hi there.. another week at the boutique has drawn to a close.

And both Helen and I have just loved serving all of our special ladies.

We really do just love what we do.

And again this week, in the mix of ladies coming and going to Spirit Of Life.. were some Kiwi cousins. We just love seeing you and are simply overwhelmed by your patronage. Word must be getting out in both islands as we have had folks again from NI and SI.

We are indeed humbled, once again thank you so much.

Helen is just tickled to bits chatting to you all.

We must send her off to NZ for a holiday wth her husband Don.

And also a big thank you to the country ladies from Northern & Western Qld who make the drive or fly to see us. We know you folks are doing it tough right now with drought conditions and our thoughts and prayers go out to you all.

I hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you in Spirit of Life real soon.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fresh in for summer.

Hi ladies.. some new mastectomy swimwear from Anita has arrived in store. Really magic designs and fabrics. Come and check them out for yourself. Always love seeing you in the boutique.

Looks so good...  see others below!

Take care out there... and as always, thank you for your patronage.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

To our ladies from New Zealand....

Just enjoying a late coffee with Mark and talking about the week that was.... and this past couple of weeks we have had so many lovely ladies in the Boutique from New Zealand. From both the NI and the SI you have all visited us of late.

And I just want to thank you for your vote of confidence in shopping with us. Yes we do send goods to New Zealand from our online shop, but we always get some ladies in each week. Well this past few weeks it has been New Zealand central in the shop.

We love seeing you here and again thank you for your business.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An amazing response.... thank you so much

Here we are on the 25th of September on the home straight with our newsletter Amoena promotion month.  We have been overwhelmed with the kind support from you our special customers. Helen and I have been so busy....

So much so that we had to order in another 66 breast prostheses to take us through to the end of the month. They arrived this morning and Helen and I have been busy unpacking them in between serving customers.

Again I would like to take the opportunity to say that Helen and I really do appreciate your continued support.  We both love what we do and genuinely look forward to coming to work each day to take care of you all.

And thank you for the kind comments and feedback we get. It really makes our day!

And the unpacking begins.

Also a big thank you to John Allan who supplied us more storage drawers for our prostheses stock. Thank you so much John.

Finally.. the big sale ends next Monday so if you haven't been in yet... don't waste a moment in getting in for those Amoena discounts!



Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We are so busy...

Well our newsletter has landed in a lot of our ladies letterboxes and Helen and I are so busy in the shop.

(Even had Mark delivering on the shop bike last week.)

Our special is still on for Amoena bras and again we thank you for your continued patronage. If you are planning to visit, an appointment will see you in and out a lot faster as we are just so really busy.

And we do want to give each and every one of you our best personal service... so book ahead when you can.

Our ladies are delighted with our Amoena give aways so don't delay as supplies of them are truly limited. In particular our Valletta tops are proving once again to be so very popular....

Looking forward to seeing you in the Boutique really soon.



These are proving to be so popular!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Here it is... our Spring specials month

So every September we mail out to our customers our Spring/Summer newsletter. And this year it is no different. If you are a customer of the Boutique you should see your newsletter in your mail box i the next few days. Have a good read and then pick what you want.. and come visit us at the shop. We have some lovely new bras in for this season... you'll love them.

So come and say hello to Helen and me. We'd love to see you.



P.S... Don't forget to read Julie Gallagher's blog featuring Debra too!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

We love our clients.. and they love us right back.

Jenny breezed into the shop last week and handed Helen a potted plant.

Helen and her amazing plant!

"Helen is a real blessing and I thank God we have you girls at Spirit of Life to look after us ladies. I left your shop feeling fabulous. Thank you girls so much and keep up the good work." Jenny

And Jenny, we love having you here every time you visit. It's the only reason we get out of bed each day os to be of service to you and the other ladies.. and top help make your life happier.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Thank you so much Rockhampton

Well back last night from a magic trip to Rockhampton. I am humbled by the ever increasing support we get from our ladies up there. The Cancer Council of Qld kindly allow me to use their facilities to fit the special ladies, and Saturday just passed was the busiest I have ever been since we started this in 2005.

The ladies laughed, they hugged me and told me they really appreciate me coming to see them. They love the variety and tell me that.. "You're amazing Debra, you know what fits me every time, first time!"

That was the theme of every compliment I received. And I truly thank you all for coming and also to the BCN and other health professionals who know us so well and recommend us to their patients.

I also have to thank Mark who was the driver and roadie for me on this trip. Packing the car, driving and then setting up his studio light stands as a rack to hang bras and swimsuits on. He's a keeper I think.... after 31 years.

Rest stop on the road up. Mark used to fix speedos for a repair shop here.

Here Mark.. fix this for me will you?

All set for customer number 1.

I take Spirit of Life on the road and have been to Rockhampton many times. To the people of Rockhampton, the ladies, the medical professionals and all of the staff in the hotels, cafes etc... you all make the trip enjoyable. Thank you all so much.

We'll be back to Rock Rockhampton again.... we'll let you know.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Visited Julie in her studio today....

So fresh back from a holiday with Mark, I popped into Julie Gallagher's studio today for a quick talk about Valletta Tops. These are one of our most popular items in the boutique and we sell a lot of them.

You can listen to the interview here.

Or read the story here.

Naturally, when  you go on holidays with a professional photographer you come back with some awesome pictures. Mark has picked these amongst others to grace his studio's walls.

Everybody wants a feed!

These rice terraces are amazing.

The things you see in the back streets of Seminyak.

Well.. have a newsletter to finish... see you in the boutique soon....


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Just wondering what I would get Mark for his birthday....

Just realised the date... Mark's birthday tomorrow so about to head out and buy Mark a birthday present.

And then I realised that today, July 2 marks 7 years that we have been here at Clayfield. An amazing thing to move here, and it seems like only yesterday. Richard and Mark built the partitions on my design with some helpful suggestions.. and then we had our opening night.

Local Councillor David McLachlan officially opened Spirit of Life Clayfield and unveiled a small plaque.

Now we are doing a feasibility study with our accountants for possibly another shop further north....

David unveiling the plaque.

So thank you to all of our special ladies who come to us and support us every day. We are humbled by your patronage and thank you immensely.


Conversations with Julie...

No, not Julie Bishop..... Julie Gallagher.

Recently I have been interviewed a couple of times by media personality Julie Gallagher. Julie has an interest in post breast surgery options and has been researching just what we do here at Spirit of Life and what fashion options we offer for women who have had a mastectomy. It has been most interesting... at first I felt a bit awkward in front of a microphone in a studio, but now after a second interview I feel more relaxed. We have taken the audio and put it up on our Youtube channel, but you can read the transcript of the interview right here.

I hope you find it interesting!

Apparently I will be doing some more interviews with Julie in the not too distant future.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 30.. another financial year done and dusted.

Here I am at the boutique for a full-on Saturday, doing all of our end of financial year paper work.

(The job isn't finished until the paper work is done as my dad the carpenter used to say)

And I cannot let this June 30 pass without saying the following...

This 18/19 financial year has seen incredible growth here at Spirit Of Life Boutique. Our sales have increased amazingly and we are so pleased with the support we get from our customers.

So to all of our special ladies whom we serve; and refer your friends and family to us, to the Breast Care Nurses and Doctors who also  refer our ladies to us, Helen and I offer our sincere thanks. We are passionate about what we do here and we are so humbled by your ongoing support and custom.

To those of you who take the time to write to us thanking us for our help or post your positive reviews on Google, (ranking 4.9 out of 5) again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. (Keep those cards rolling in!)

And a special mention to our suppliers who often bend over backwards to get stock to us from Europe in a hurry when we run short, our web masters, our printers and advertising agency.

Thank you one and all.

And rest assured, Helen and I will be here bright eyed and bushy tailed on Monday July 1 to give our best to you in the next financial year.

Warmest regards


Thursday, June 20, 2019

SOL is going to Rock Rockhampton again!

Have you had breast surgery?  

Welcome to the Spirit of Life Boutique.

There is life and lingerie after breast surgery.

Regain and retain that feeling of who you really are!
Appearance can make all the difference in how people see you and how you feel about yourself – and it’s always nice to have so much choice that you can pick things that are exactly right for you.

Who we are
We are a lingerie shop that specialises in mastectomy lingerie, swimwear, breast prostheses and bras – and we have one of the largest selection in Australia. That’s possible for us because caring for women after breast surgery is all we do at Spirit of Life. And we have customers all over the world! Come and find out why!

We had such brilliant responses to our last visits to Rockhampton that we are coming back again for a prosthesis and lingerie fitting day! 

Where: Cancer Council Qld, 43 Up    per Dawson Rd, Allenstown QLD 4700

When: Between 9:00 AM & 3:00 PM Saturday 3rd, August 2019.

See: The latest mastectomy fashion bras, swimsuits and of course prostheses.

Queensland’s most experienced prosthesis fitter will Debra, will be up from Brisbane to be onsite to personally take care of you and give you that specialised service that she is known and loved for. But fitting numbers are genuinely limited, so you need to call her right now on (07) 3511 4222 to book your appointment. When you call, Debra will talk with you about choices and sizing etc and bring garments for you to try on the day. No obligation and no money up front. And you don’t need cash as Debra will have credit card facilities on the day! How good is that?

Don’t miss out! Bookings close July 29! Call Debra now (07) 3511 4222
Why not visit the Boutique on the internet in the meantime?


Friday, May 31, 2019

A thank you to our special ladies...

With a new month tomorrow,  our monthly stock order of prostheses has arrived. During the course of June additional smaller orders will arrive.. but for now this delivery of 150 forms added to our current stock holdings will kick us off well in terms of stock on hand. We want our ladies to leave with their forms on the day of their visit.

Thank you Mr TOLL. 12 cartons.
And the reason we stock so many forms is simply because of you, our special ladies who appreciate what we do and choose to support us here at Spirit of Life.

We will never take you for granted and we do understand you have chosen us to take care of you.

Time to unpack for a big month.

Come on in and say hello!


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wow.. are we busy!

Well ladies our March Autumn newsletter is out and are we busy. Love to see you all coming into the shop with your newsletters in your hands. We try to be get you on your way quickly as we know you all lead busy lives.

If you book ahead it will help us to speed up your visit and get you back out to your busy lives.

While I am writing this, I would like to tell you about a wonderful clinic here in Clayfield called Ortho Regen. I have had issues with arthritic knees and was really in trouble following twisting my knee on a suspension bridge last September.

Visiting a couple of Doctors I learned I was looking down the barrel at knee replacement surgery.

And then I discovered this clinic and it was just across the road from the Boutique too!

Bottom line is I have had non surgical treatment for my knees and the improvement to date has been just amazing. I now have full movement in my right knee which was giving me grief for the past 6 months. We have put a link on our shops website for you to see.

Looking forward to seeing you in the shop. We have started to run out of the specials but have refill stocks arriving Monday 11. Come on down!



Thursday, January 31, 2019

And a new year is well on the way.

As January comes to an end.. I cannot believe how busy we have been at the Boutique. From the bottom of my heart I thank those special ladies who support us.  You are so special.

Helen has settled in and is doing really good work with her fittings. She used to work for me back in my Simone Perele days many years ago. She is a delight and really knows her stuff. She has a lot of empathy for our ladies as she has been down that same road herself.

Our girl Helen.. come and meet her.

Yesterday Mark was on the Sunshine Coast doing some work and other stuff for the boutique and he brought back this magic picture of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Amazing new complex and looks very welcoming too.

What an amazing looking hospital.

That's about it for now.. talk again soon.

