Monday, July 9, 2018

Another one past its use by date.

Here we have yet another form well past its use by date. This one is 5 years old. The lady who owned this could have had it replaced twice by now and claimed back $400 from Medicare. There is simply no reason to wear worn out prostheses these days.

A new prostheses fits well and more importably makes you feel good about yourself. Back to the old new you. And remember.. you need to own more than one bra as well!

So don't put up with a worn, dirty and broken prosthesis.. ring Debra now to arrange a fitting of a new form. You'll be glad you did!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The people you meet...

Mark and I were invited out for an afternoon tea today. It was humbling to find that most of the women at the function knew of me and Spirit of Life. In fact the afternoon tea was at the home of one of my customer's daughters.

Working each day we try hard to help our ladies return to a happy life and to feel good about themselves. In fact, it's what we do at the boutique.

But to hear really positive feed back from a group of ladies, some of whom have been touched by breast cancer and a lot more who are just aware of what we do is really humbling. I came out of there walking on air and fired up for tomorrow at the boutique.

We love what we do!

I even had a some positive comments from fellow guest, our Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop. She also updated us on the latest news re the rescue of those teenagers in Thailand.

Julie Bishop MP and Debra

Apart from all of this I am working hard on choosing next seasons bras and matching briefs. Look out for our September newsletter.
