Wednesday, October 28, 2015

We welcome Ben, a QANTAS Captain at Spirit of Life Boutique.

As you must surely know from all of the articles in the media.. October is breast cancer awareness month. Of course we aways get into the swing of things with many fund raising events to attend through the month.

It is also great to see the corporate world getting on board too! To this end QANTAS have given their air crew pink bars for their epaulettes for the month of October! We think it's great. Just last May/June Mark & I travelled to London and then New York and Los Angeles with a few different airlines... but finally when we went to LAX to come home.. there was the magic Flying Kangaroo waiting for us. Love those 747 aeroplanes, Queen of the skies alright. And with that flying Kangaroo on the tail, well it doesn't get much better than that. In fact you could hear other Aussies entering the aircraft ahead of us and say.. "QANTAS.. at last we're home!" And that is how we felt too.

And one of those special QANTAS people is Captain Ben O'Keefe who pilots for QantasLink and popped into the shop to say hello. Ben is only too aware about the need to raise awareness of breast cancer as his own grandmother had her own journey with this wicked disease.

Always smiling Captain Ben O'Keefe and Debra

Of course Annie and Christina wanted a pix with Captain Ben too!

Pretty in pink... the QANTAS epaulette for October!

If you are one of the many women from regional QLD who have flown to Brisbane to visit it us, it is very likely it was Ben who brought you here and took you back with that famous QANTAS safety and service. You're always welcome here Captain Ben!