Monday, November 5, 2012
At long last.. it's finally here!
Yes at long last.. it's finally here!What am i going on about?? The Spirit of Life web site and store. We used to have one that worked perfectly.. but things changed and it no longer worked. (Because of changes with the way the internet works.. apparently)
But never mind that... now we have a new one and it is magic. From the clear clean look to the easy way the shopping basket works.. well what can I say. Everybody here is over the moon and our customers are giving us feedback that they love it too.
So click on this link and have look for yourself. We're sure you will love it as much as we do!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Think Pink Continues..
Well I have just returned from lunch at the Lido Cafe at Ascot. The lunch was a fundraiser for Mater's Chicks in Pink. Chicks in Pink supplies practical support for women who are going through their breast cancer journey. And Bev at the Lido is a huge supporter every year. Mark and I always go along and along with other business houses donate a gift voucher for the fundraising raffle.
Today, Olympian Natalie Cook was a speaker and I was lucky enough to have my photo taken with her and her Olympic Gold Medal. I have never seen a gold medal before let alone have one around my neck. It was a fabulous experience!
Rock on Natalie. Also this month we are still selling the Panache Pink Sports Bra with some of the profits from the sale of each bra going to breast cancer research. They are a great bra for working out at the gym and you are helping the fight against breast cancer.
Till next time.
Monday, October 8, 2012
New Pink Panache Sports Bras
Hello there ladies.. in time for Think Pink month, Panache has launched a series of Sports Bras in Pink. They are really pretty.. and a great sports bra as well. A portion of the profits from all sales in October will be going to breast cancer research. We also have a new range of Amoena bras in sto
ck in stunning new colours. Drop in and have a look.
Friday, October 5, 2012
It's Think Pink Month! Get with the program!
Well it's October again and so it is Think Pink month. Time to help spread the awareness of breast cancer and help in the fight. By attending one of many fund raisers in your local area you will be helping to fund research into breast cancer. And it seems to me that while research into seeking a cure is vitally important, so is research into preventing this terrible disease. This morning Mark and I attended a Think Pink Breakfast for the Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce at Chermside. It was great to see all the ladies (and men) who were there dressed in pink. So get out there with your friends, dressed in pink and have fun while at the same time helping this worthwhile cause.
Monday, August 27, 2012
I don't believe it.. how did we miss that???
I don't believe it.. how did we miss that??? So here we are folding and shoving our September newsletter into envelopes to go out this week... and we find a glaring mistake! How did we miss that? Well what I am talking about is the "Specials Box" where it it supposed to say... "During the month of September" but instead it says "During the month of August".
About 8 people have proof read this (including me) and we all missed it! So when you do get your newsletter please be assured that our special discount is for September, not August and you haven't missed out.
On a more positive note Jan has joined us at Spirit of Life and she has many years experience and a lovely personality.. so she will fit right in here at the Boutique.
Till next time...
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Breast Screen Scrapped? Don't believe the papers!
This morning's Sunday Mail had the banner headline that the LNP Government was scrapping Breast Screen. No doubt this has sent shock waves through all women in QLD. Well you cannot always believe what you read in the paper. The reporter (Renee Viellaris) who wrote this has either not been aware of the facts or has chosen a cheap headline.. either way the Sunday Mail is misleading the public and should be ashamed of themselves. My phone has run hot from friends and relatives over this story this morning.
Their story is not true and is gutter journalism at its worst.
Even I, a shop owner and not a journalist can find the facts!
Read the facts here for yourself.
And then protest to the Sunday Mail!
Friday, August 3, 2012
A magic break on a Friday.
Well Clayfield is buzzing along nicely and today we had a special guest in the boutique. Roxanne Parker and Glenda Harris from Amoena paid us a visit and then took Mark and I to lunch at a lovely little cafe in Hendra. We had a chance to talk about what's new in the range of Amoena products for 2013 and also the layout of our Spring newsletter. As usual Mark brought a camera and here we are.
Till next time,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A new video from Debra
Hello there ladies. You know of late we're starting to see breast prostheses coming into the shop that have been damaged by these new elasticised bras that seem to be the rage. This is caused by the fact that these bras cause a pressure line across the back of the prosthesis that eventually leads to a crack or split in the prosthesis envelope. Whereas a proper mastectomy bra has a pocket that holds the prosthesis gently with no pressure ridges. If a prosthesis is damaged by one of these bras it will not be covered by manufacturers warranty. I have prepared a short video to explain the difference.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
We went mile to Miles!
Just back from a weekend in Miles on the Western Darling Downs. The Breast & Prostate Cancer Association does annual workshops in rural areas of Qld to educate women (and now men) on important health issues. Namely breast and prostate cancer. This event was well attended and speakers included breast surgeon Dr Chris Pyke (in the photo with me) , mens' health expert Dr Toby Ford, Dr Jane Talbot a phsychiatrist who works with women and other specialists including physiotherapists, breast care nurses and me. Workshops like this are important and at Spirit of Life Boutique we we are very happy to continue to support our rural sisters along side the BPCAQ on their country trips. I spoke about the Government Medicare rebate for new prostheses as well as explaining just what it is we do at Spirit of Life Boutique. We are not a department store that also sells prostheses along with womens' fashion, mens' fashion and white goods! No way. Looking after women who have been through the anguish of breast cancer is all we do We're passionate about it and we love being there for our special ladies.
Til next time.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
One week down and week 2 going well...
So here we are in week 2 at Clayfield. The ladies who have visited the new shop tell me that they just love it. I must admit I get a real thrill from opening up each morning. I really love working in this new environment to help our special ladies. If you haven't been here then please drop in for a look. I am sure you will love it as much as all the others who have been in the door since we opened!
Friday, July 6, 2012
So we've been officially opened!
Wow.. what a night. Just back home after our official opening of our new store at Clayfield. We had a small group of very special people who have all contributed to the on going success of the Boutique and more importantly our new shop at Clayfield. We thank them all for their attendance tonight. Councillor David McLachlan of the Hamilton Ward unveiled a plaque and officially opened the new store. Thank you so much David. here are some quick snaps from the night.
Till next time... Debra.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
This is it! Tomorrow the curtain goes up!
Well... this is it. Over 2 months of planning come to the point where the rubber hits the road. Tomorrow, July 2 we open at Clayfield. The shift has been a lot of work. Neither Mark nor I have had a day off in all this time and we're so happy with the way the new Spirit of Life looks. It has a really nice look and feel to it and we're sure you are going to love it. Our new address is 682 Sandgate Road Clayfield, just outbound from Clayfield College. Our new phone number is 3262 9144 and Tels
tra is supposed to be organising a divert on the old one.. but to date they haven't. Don't get mark started on Telstra.. they have sent him mad!
So.. please do come and visit us at the new Spirit of Life Boutique at Clayfield!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wow! The press are interested....
Wow! The press are interested.... in us moving to Clayfield. Yesterday I was interviewed by a reporter on what we do here at Spirit of Life and the story about our new shop. And today they sent a lovely lady to take pictures of me as we sort out the move to Clayfield. it's all go at the moment.
Talk soon ... Debra
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Closer and closer....
Well July 2 is getting closer and closer. That is the day we open at 682 Sandgate Road Clayfield. The painters have been, Mark is building shelves and we are well on the way. Sign writers next followed by electricians with brighter lights. For now.. here is what it looks like.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Well the new shop is coming along nicely...
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Rome wasn't built in a day...
Well Rome wasn't built in a day... and it seems our new Spirit of Life Boutique at Clayfield is in the same category. However, having said that... it is coming along nicely. The painters have been and gone... so all fitting rooms built, office/reserve built and all painting down. We chose Rochelle Painting and wow have they done a great job. I could highly recommend them to anybody needing painting. A very professional operation. Next step are the signs.. and here is a mock up for our sign writer. When you are heading outbound on Sandgate Road... this is what you will see. Tomorrow Telstra (at last!) will be sorting our phone connection which will also give us our new number. If we have your address son file you will get a change of address notice in the mail from us in the next few weeks. Countdown to July 2... One month today and we're open. Stay tuned a
nd we'll keep you up to date.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Today is much better... and Clayfield looks better!
Well after my unexpected dental surgery yesterday.... I am feeling much better today! And the work on our new Clayfield shop continues to look better every day. The plaster walls are up on our fitting rooms and the doors have been fitted. Mark has put a couple of signs in the windows to tell of our moving in and this reminds me... We will be closed on the last Friday in June to commence our move.
Iam hoping that the shop will be ready for painting late next week and then we turn to the sign writers. This is an exciting and challenging time for me... onwards and upwards says Mark!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
And on a positive note...
And on a positive note.. my little dog Dorothy turns 11 today. I still remember Mark & I collecting her from the airport. This lovely little ball of fluff who grew to enchant me totally. I had never really been a "dog person" until Mark arranged to get her from Condoblin in NSW. But within an hour of bringing her home.. she was "my dog" much to Mark's surprise. Her picture appears along with me on our newsletters and a lot of ladies ask me how my little dog is going. Well at 11 she is just fine. Runs around the house hiding my slippers and is always there to greet me at the end of each day. Happy Birthday Dorothy!
A day I would like to forget...
Well the progress at Sandgate Road continues... today our friends from Pearson Sellwood group transferred our old chandelier from Milton to Clayfield. (Picture below) And the sheeting on the walls is coming along nicely. Sounds good.. well it is except I broke a tooth today and had to make an emergency trip to the dentist. End result is.. I haven't had tooth extracted since I was around 10.. I forgot what an awful experience it is. Feeling really sorry for myself now.. mouth full of wadding and tummy full of panadols. never mind.. tomorrow is another day.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
A progress report on 682 Sandgate Rd Clayfield...
What a busy weekend... special appointments in the boutique on Saturday and then off to a good friend's 60th birthday on Saturday night. A magic party on acreage. Bonfires, great live band and lots of good company. Happy Birthday Dave Paton! Today it's off to a fundraiser, but first.. time to check how the shop is going. Richard and Mark have erected the walls for the larger (wheel chair friendly) fitting room. it will be good. We have repainted the outside of the front of the shop and by this time next week all internal fittings should be done. Have a quick look at progress here!
Friday, May 18, 2012
So we're on the move.. a new home for SOL!
After 10 + years at One Park Road Milton; we're moving to a new home. Yes as of Monday July 2, Spirit of Life Boutique will be located at Clayfield. We will be at 682 Sandgate Road just outbound past Clayfield College. Free parking is available in the streets behind us (Drane & Victoria Streets) and we will have a bigger shop than before. (10% bigger) Our current phone number will still work (07 3511 4222) for at least a year afterwards.. but we will write to our customers with our new details. Finding us is easy.. if you are coming from the Southside you can either use the Clem 7 Tunnel and continue on through the Albion 5 ways and then up Sandgate Road or else the Gateway Bridge, exit near Toombul Shoppingtown, head inbound on Sandgate Road to the Clayfield Shopping Centre. (We're near Clayfield College) If you are coming from the Northern Suburbs, then hop onto Sandgate Road from the Gateway Motorway of else cut across from Lutwyche Road. We're hoping that you our customers will endure less congested traffic conditions as you effectively stay out of the inner Brisbane area.
At the moment Richard and Mark are building new fitting rooms for me (and they're bigger than our already large rooms) and the front of the shop is being given a "freshen up" in a new colour scheme. As we progress to our shifting date.. I will give you more information. In the meantime here are a couple of pictures of the inside as it is being built.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Car Park Blues
Well.... as posted previously our Landlady has insisted on charging all people who park at One Park Rd a minimum of $5. The first hour used to be free. If you are visiting the shop we again advise you to look for some parking on the street. We see this as just a money grab by the centre management here and in fact their revenue has actually dropped we are given to understand. We have had the local media interview us and I have posted here the clip from the local paper. A few of our customers have been upset to find they need to pay $5 just to drop in for 20 minutes or so.. and have let us know in no uncertain terms.
Please understand we have no control over this and we are very angry about the situation too. Again.. please boycott the car park.. it is relatively easy to find street parking here if you make your appointment outside of the lunch hour rush on the cafe strip here in Park Road.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
ANZAC Day.. & some thoughts from Mark this time!
I was telling Deb about the Somme.. and she asked me to write on her blog for her:
I visited all the commonwealth graves including Villiers in 1988 in Northern France. A really humbling experience. Fine warm summer days with blue sky above.. just very hard to imagine at the time the mud, the rain, the bloodshed and suffering that must have occurred back then.
The Canadian war memorial there still has the original trenches.
My dad joined up in 1914 when was 16. He turned up in London to sign up and they asked him how old he was... "16 sir". "Well boy, come back when you're 18". In his words... "I walked around the quadrangle and came back to the same man. I'm 18 now sir."
"Good.. sign here and here is your shilling for signing up." He was sent to France; to the Somme. At age 18 he was a Captain. He said it wasn't hard to rise through the ranks.. all the officers had been killed. In 1918 they moved him to India, to Poona to run the base dispensary. He came home to London in 1921.. a 23 year old man. Emigrated to Oz in 1923 and had me 30 years later.
To all the service men and women from all the conflicts.. we owe you a lot and as a nation I hope we never forget.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
An afternoon off...
Today I had an afternoon off and Mark took me to the races at Eagle Farm. I didn't have a bet.. I don't know a lot about horses.. but I did enjoy dressing up and taking in the atmosphere. Also there I spent some time talking with Tim Nicholls our new State Treasurer and also Councilor David McLachlan and his charming wife Nicole. Was a magic autumn afternoon in Brisbane and I recommend it for a social outing.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Spirit of Life Turbans
Hi ladies.. I have just uploaded to the internet, a video on how to tie our Spirit of Life Turbans. You can find it here. These come in a wonderful assortment of patterns and colours and unfortunately they are not on our current website. As soon as our new website comes along they will be there.
In the meantime please ring us for details (07) 3511 422 and we'll be able to take your order for one of them.
In the meantime please ring us for details (07) 3511 422 and we'll be able to take your order for one of them.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Changes to the car park at our shop.
After a refreshing holiday we come back to changes to our car park here at One Park Road. In her "wisdom" our landlady has banished all free parking for any visitors to the centre as of next Monday. As of that date, the "first hour free" offer will not apply. All people will need to pay $5 on entry. We have tried to reason with her.. but to no avail. This will be the only shopping centre in Brisbane with no free parking at all.Unfortunately for us we have spent a fortune on promotional material telling you our customers of the free parking. Now it is only fit for the bin!
So.. we ask that when you visit you boycott the car park. If you visit Park Rd outside of lunch time you will find free parking in the street without too much trouble. We would also ask that if you, like us think it is unfair.. then please ring centre management and tell them what you think. The number is 07 3368 3544.. and please.. don't hold back. Tell them what you really think!
So.. we ask that when you visit you boycott the car park. If you visit Park Rd outside of lunch time you will find free parking in the street without too much trouble. We would also ask that if you, like us think it is unfair.. then please ring centre management and tell them what you think. The number is 07 3368 3544.. and please.. don't hold back. Tell them what you really think!
Sometimes.. you need time out to simply "be still"

Hi there ladies. You know Mark often tells me that you need time out to simply be still. (Well that's what he calls it!) Recently he pointed out to me that we hadn't had a holiday where we could "be still" for over 24 years. You see our holidays usually involve trips either interstate or overseas to visit suppliers.. and if we're lucky we manage to grab 2 or 3 extra days to go sight seeing.
So imagine my surprise when Mark told me he had booked an eight day holiday for me at a resort where we could do nothing but lay around the pool. It was then that I realised that our last holiday was in 2010.. so it sounded great. We spent those 8 days just doing nothing.. or being still as Mark calls it. Turned out it was a great tonic. And of course.. there he was with the camera again. Me in the pool and his night shot of the treetops bar where we went for drinks before dinner. I highly recommend it.
Friday, March 16, 2012
There must be an election in the air!

Today we saw Tim Nicholls MP, Peter Matic BCC Councillor and Saxon Rice the LNP candidate for our local area at One Park Road. The event was the announcement that should the LNP win on Saturday week, they will provide funding for the Brisbane City Council to improve the street at Park Road. The idea is to make it more attractive and so attract more shoppers to the area. The local press where there taking photos of us all and I had the chance to spend some time talking with Tim Nicholls and Saxon Rice. It has to be good news for the retail environment .. but we will see who wins next Saturday.
Mark managed to grab a couple of pictures.. me in the crowd for the press photographer and at the front of the shop with Tim Nicholls and Saxon Rice. Our newsletter is meaning we are very busy at the moment with lots of customers taking advantage of our manufactures rebate when you buy 2 bras. Talk soon.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Our heart goes out to the people of StGeorge, Roma etc
Sitting here safely in Brisbane I cannot begin to imagine what the poor citizens of StGeorge and surrounding areas are going through with these floods. Yet again! I was also saddened to read that people evacuated by bus could not take their pets. It seems to me that those who could not self evacuate and needed to use the bus would probably be pensioners. And to those senior people in our society, the family pet is a very important part of their lives.
I remarked to Mark that if I coudn't take my pets... Then I wouldn't go. Sorry Mr Policeman! If you are affected by the floods and you think we can help you, then please get in touch. We'll do whatever we can to be of assistance.
I remarked to Mark that if I coudn't take my pets... Then I wouldn't go. Sorry Mr Policeman! If you are affected by the floods and you think we can help you, then please get in touch. We'll do whatever we can to be of assistance.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Happy Australia Day...

So you know the year is starting to age. The kids are back at school and Australia Day is upon us. But what does it mean to you? A day at the beach? (Going to be wet and windy in South East QLD apparently!) Or a barbeque with friends? Do you now what we celebrate? To be honest I am surprised at how many younger Australians don't know what Australia Day is all about. You tell them it's the day the First Fleet dropped anchor in Sydney Cove and they look at you with a blank face. And now 224 years later, we put Australian flags that are made in China on our cars that are made in Korea/Japan/Malaysia and some that are even made here and celebrate all that Australia means to us. At least I hope we do. To me Australia has been a place where you get a fair go. An egalitarian society where we look after each other. This has been shown to be true after the floods in Brisbane last year.
I hope our Australian way of life where we all fit in together; those born here and those who come to share our lifestyle and contribute to make a better Australia continues to be. Just yesterday I saw a car with a sticker that said "Australia, love it or leave it". A bogan sentiment? No I don't think so. Just an outward expression of how we all feel about the greatest country on earth.
And if you know some young people, do yourself and them a favour and see if they know what Australia Day actually celebrates. If they don't know.. fill them in. The Boutique will be closed on Australia Day.. but we look forward to seeing you on Friday and hearing about how you spent Australia Day. Our next newsletter is due out in March.. keep your eyes peeled for it.
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