Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow! What a road trip it was!

Hello everybody... after many days on the road the trusty Land Rover has brought us safely back to Brisbane. Our road show was incredibly well received by the ladies of the South Burnett, Rockhampton, Mackay and Ayr. To you all thank you so much for your kindness and your feedback on the new products that we showed you. The Pyjamas with pockets for prostheses from Amoena were a big hit along with the new soft Anita breast prostheses and stunning Anita bras. An especially big thank you to Carolyn Humphries from Queensland Cancer Council Rockhampton, Margaret Stapleton from Breastscreen Mackay and Shirley Gilmore from the Burdekin Breast Cancer Support Group. These ladies made it all possible. Thank you one and all.
I must also thank my husband Mark who spent time away from his business to be my "driver and roady".

And wasn't my dog Dorothy glad to see us home!!!

Will post again soon.

(The picture above is of Marion Strong, Breast Care Nurse Toowoomba and me at Kingaroy.)



Saturday, July 25, 2009

Burdekin Breast Cancer Support Group

Well, Saturday morning finds us wrapping up 2 days with the Burdekin Support group based in Ayr, North Queensland. I have seen quite a few ladies and fitted thek with new prostheses and bras. Shirley Gilmore (in the pictures with me) is the driving force behind this group and they really are a lively bunch of ladies. Being in the tropics, swimming is high on the agenda and they really like the new range of swimwear from Anita. Very colourful is the most common comment. Also the Anita breast prostheses are proving a big hit with these ladies again because they are so soft and gentle against the chest wall. This afternoon finds us on the road starting back to Brisbane in our trusty Land Rover with a lot of empty spaces from all the prostheses we have supplied to ladies on this trip.

Talk soon.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

A morning at Breastscreen Mackay

Well, here I am at the local McDonalds having a well earned cool drink after a Post Breast Surgery Choices workshop at Breastscreen Mackay. I met some lovely ladies who had interesting stories to tell and we had a great time. Again I find that ladies are blown away by having such a large choice in prostheses from both Amoena and now Anita of Germany. Next stop in our road show is Ayr around 3 hours up the track.

Talk soon.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spirit of Life on the road - Mackay

Well here we are safely in Mackay. Yesterday I ran a small workshop at Cancer Council Qld in Rockhampton. I am getting good feed back on our additional ranges of Anita Prostheses; ladies like the soft feel of them and the fact that they are not flat backed.. they feel softer against the chest wall. Our trusty Land Rover that was full to overflowing when we left Brisbane is now starting to show the odd bit of empty space as we outfit our ladies with new prostheses and bras etc as we travel along. Tomorrow we are running another Post Breast Surgery Options workshop in Mackay courtesy of Breastscreen Queensland. Then it's on the road again and off to a local support group of ladies in Ayr. Also you'll see that I have added a photograph of me with one of the new Anita mastectomy swimsuits.

Monday, July 20, 2009

BCAQ Kingaroy

Hi there. This latest entry is from Rockhampton. We have just come from a BCAQ (Breast Cancer Association Qld) workshop in Kingaroy. The BCAQ works so hard to carry the message of education about Breast Cancer to rural women throughout Qld. I am so proud that Spirit of Life is part of the team and accompanies them on their missions. Tomorrow I am doing a workshop at Cancer Council in Rockhampton, then on to Mackay and Ayr to do similar events.

Hopefully we'll get some pictures up before the week is out.

Take care,
