Hi there. It's Sunday afternoon and I'm at the Boutique sorting out just what I will take to the BCAQ forum in Biloela next week. You see, the Breast Cancer Association of Queensland (BCAQ) is a wonderful organisation that organises educational forums on breast cancer for women living in rural areas. In the past Spirit of Life Boutique has joined with BCAQ in St George and also Mt Isa.
Education is everything when it comes to breast cancer, and BCAQ brings a range of experts to these events to educate and inform ladies about this important subject. For our part, Spirit of Life will be showing ladies that they have a wide range of choices available to them post mastectomy. From fashionable lingerie to beautiful mastectomy swim suits and even bikinis, we have it all.
Yes, I'm looking forward to this event as they are always lots of fun. We'll be loading up "Britannia" our faithful Land Rover later this week and heading bush.
Cheers for now.
Debra Taylor